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To The Petition Against Violence Signers,


Thank you all for your continued support of our students and staff during these difficult weeks. We had almost 600 signatures and 130 comments in the 36 hours our petition was live (petition below). The petition and all comments were sent to the district Friday, September 29 as a 20-page document. Please note, all comments were anonymized, and no emails were shared with the district.

After a week of no response from any district official, we followed up a week later. We finally received confirmation from Dr. Sue Rieke-Smith that our petition was received and has been part of their discussions. We have been told the TTSD School Board is planning to have revisions and vote on a new policy by November 20.


Monday September 9 the TTSD School board had its first meeting since the viral assault occurred. Additionally, they had a one-hour work session starting to draft new policies against violence. It was noted that they had the 20-page petition and comments document part of their discussion in this work group. Dr. Sue told us that all your comments will be used to help draft new policy. All TTSD school board meetings can be viewed on their YouTube page:


Unfortunately, after viewing last week’s board work session we are not confident that the board is willing to take the steps necessary to create real change. You can view the work session here 10/09/23 TTSD Board Work Session - YouTube and see how inefficient, inconsistent, and unsympathetic many of our current board members and administrators are to making substantive change. We need your continued support as this process moves forward and would invite you to consider the following steps:


  • Email your TTSD School Board members with specific concerns or examples regarding violence at your local school.

  • You can find their contacts at the TTSD website.


An example message: To the TTSD School Board,


As a parent in the TTSD school district, I am sending my support for a new policy regarding violence in our schools. The current policy is not working and encourages disruptive and violent behavior due to the lack of substantive consequences. We need strong leadership from our board members to take immediate action, make changes, and create safe and positive environments for learning for all students.


John Doe



  • We are combining efforts with the Tigard/Tualatin Schools Alliance for Safety and Education to gain district-wide support for this issue. Violence in our schools is not just a Hazelbrook issue. The website is in its beginning stages, but will be your best resource for updates and ways to help.


Thank you again for your continued support, your insight, and concern for all students in our district.

Ben and Dawn Mangum

Dr. Sue Rieke-Smith, TTSD School Board, and Administrators – 


We as parents, teachers, and community members demand your support and immediate action. We understand that the issue of violence at Hazelbrook has gone viral, is being politicized in the national media, and has led to other threats. As you are aware this has detrimental effects on our whole community. Despite the noise, the issue remains quite simple for parents: stop the physical violence.


The current Education/Engagement, Accountability, Solutions, Healing (E.A.S.H.) framework is not deterring violence. EASH is enabling violence. We ask for an immediate change to the current policy, that includes clear and actionable consequences for students that engage in violence. A clear framework supports both teachers as well as local school principals and allows them to act swiftly and without bias. Disciplinary actions do not have to be either/or when it comes to “restorative” vs “zero tolerance”, but what TTSD is doing now is not working. The EASH framework is failing teachers, students, and parents.


The below letter went to parents on 9/28 asking for support in requiring the district to take immediate action and implement a more strict policy around violence. In less than 36 hours, over 550 signatures of support and over 100 comments were collected. We are aware that the petition link was published in a news article today - shortly thereafter the link was closed such that all responses originate from concerned citizens of our local community. You will see bullet points in the letter that need to be discussed with the TTSD administration, and we welcome constructive collaboration to make this happen. We, along with many other parents, have already met with Principal Dailey and she has been wonderful in addressing our concerns.


In short, at the request of hundreds of parents we are urging TTSD to establish and implement a strict policy that clearly outlines a tiered-response for addressing physical violence by December 31, 2023. This policy must include written guidelines and consequences for infractions; e.g. first offense for fighting = 3 days suspension; 2nd offense for fighting = expulsion.


We have attached a list of parents, teachers, and TTSD community members that have read the below letter and provide their support. Also, you will find anonymized parent comments. There is a common theme of needing to stop the physical violence, as the current EASH framework is not working. Your leadership is needed to address these concerns and provide our teachers and administrators clear guidelines to do so. We are pleading for leadership from our Superintendent, School Board, and other district leaders to help these teachers with new productive policy.


We are here to support our teachers, principals, and students - we hope they will receive the same from TTSD leaders. We sincerely want safer schools; we are trying to address issues of safety that have been ongoing for many months. Rather than taking our petition to the news media, we have intentionally kept this local and have not shared the petition results with anyone besides the recipients of this email. We are happy to work with you as part of the process and are available for further collaboration and communication.

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